Distance metrics

Beatsearch provides distance metrics for both monophonic and polyphonic rhythms, which are implemented as subclasses of MonophonicRhythmDistanceMeasure and PolyphonicRhythmDistanceMeasure respectively. Both of these implement the DistanceMeasure interface and are found in the beatsearch.metrics module.

class beatsearch.metrics.DistanceMeasure

Abstract base class for distance measures

Monophonic rhythms

The distance between two monophonic rhythms can be computed with one of the MonophonicRhythmDistanceMeasure implementations. For example, to compute the hamming distance between the clave 23 and clave rumba:

from beatsearch.rhythm import MonophonicRhythm
from beatsearch.metrics import HammingDistanceMeasure

clave_23    = MonophonicRhythm.create.from_string("--x-x---x--x--x-")
clave_rumba = MonophonicRhythm.create.from_string("--x-x---x--x---x")

measure = HammingDistanceMeasure()
distance = measure.get_distance(clave_23, clave_rumba)

Individual tracks of polyphonic rhythms are monophonic, which allows for distance computation between instruments:

from textwrap import dedent
from beatsearch.rhythm import PolyphonicRhythm
from beatsearch.metrics import HammingDistanceMeasure

rhythm = PolyphonicRhythm.create.from_string(dedent("""
    hi-hat: x-xxx-xxx-xxx-xx
    kick:   ---x--x----x--x-

measure = HammingDistanceMeasure()
distance = measure.get_distance(

Polyphonic rhythms

The distance measure between two polyphonic rhythms can be computed with one of the PolyphonicRhythmDistanceMeasure implementations.


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