Rhythm model

The main building block of Beatsearch is the rhythm model, which defines two types of rhythms: monophonic and polyphonic rhythms.

digraph Rhythm { rhythm [label="Rhythm"]; mono [label="Monophonic rhythm"]; poly [label="Polyphonic rhythm"]; rhythm -> mono; rhythm -> poly; }

Monophonic and polyphonic rhythms have common properties, such as tempo, duration and time signature. In the diagram displayed above, these properties live in the Rhythm node.

Monophonic rhythm

A monophonic rhythm consists of one single track (one instrument). To create a simple monophonic rhythm from a string:

from beatsearch.rhythm import MonophonicRhythm
clave_23 = MonophonicRhythm.create.from_string("--x-x---x--x--x-")

Polyphonic rhythm

A polyphonic rhythm consists of multiple tracks (multiple instruments). To create a simple polyphonic rhythm from a string:

from textwrap import dedent
from beatsearch.rhythm import PolyphonicRhythm

cascara = PolyphonicRhythm.create.from_string(dedent("""
    clave:       --x-x---x--x--x-
    timbales:    x-x-xx-xx-xx-x-x
    kick:        ---x------------
    side stick:  --x------x------
    toms:        ------xx------xx